Looking for a Winery or Vineyard in North Central Washington State? Scroll down this page and you will see wineries and vineyards in North Central Washington State, sorted by county. Note: this website is going live in October 2016 - what you are seeing now is our prototype; we're adding new wineries every day!
ALWAYS call before you go
to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
And if you know of any wineries to add, please use this form let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.
Updates for December 2024
December The grapes are growing well! It's going to be an excellent year!
Winery Listings
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Chelan County
- Chelan Valley Farms - apples, flowers, pumpkins, winery, farmstay
2389 Green Ave,
Manson WA. Phone: (509) 435-1813. Email:
Open: Tasting Room Wed-Sun 12-5pm through October, Annual Pumpkin Patch Opens Saturday, in mid-September through October: Wed-Sun 12-5pm, Sat &
Sun 10am-5pm. Pumpkin activities on the weekend, Upick Apples, Upick Flowers & Wine Tasting during all open hours. Discover terroir-driven wines
for sale, tranquil guest accommodations, plus u-pick pumpkins, apples and flowers in the heart of The Chelan Valley. Our Guest house is now
available. Chelan Valley Farms facebook page.
Douglas County
Grant County
Kittitas County