Looking for a Winery or Vineyard in Southcentral Pennsylvania? Scroll down this page and you will see wineries and vineyards in Southcentral Pennsylvania, sorted by county. Note: this website is going live in October 2016 - what you are seeing now is our prototype; we're adding new wineries every day!
ALWAYS call before you go
to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!
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Updates for December 2024
December The grapes are growing well! It's going to be an excellent year!
Winery Listings
Click on Resources above, if you need a county map
Adams County
Adams County Winery Farm Winery - winery
Peach Tree Road, Orrtanna, PA 17353. Phone: (717) 334-4631.
Email: Email:
vintner@adamscountywinery.com. Open: aside from the
festival, the winery is open 10 am to 6 pm every day. Join us
for free live music, Blueberry drink specials, a gourmet food
truck, and wine tastings as we celebrate blueberry season! We
grow farm-raised blueberries right here at the winery. We have
FREE wine tastings at all locations every day. There’s no need
to make a reservation, just show up and enjoy the wine! Stop by
for a visit and see why we’re consistently voted the Best Winery
in Gettysburg! When you visit a winery, you want to relax and
enjoy some great wine. At Adams County Winery, you’ll never feel
rushed, even on a busy event day. We take the time to know you
and recommend wines that you’ll love. We’ll even carry your case
to your car. Bring the whole family. We have plenty of
non-alcoholic drinks for the kids. Your pets are welcome outside
and tend to have a great time during our concerts. Rusty, our
Golden Retriever and winery mascot, will be glad to say hi!
Bedford County
Blair County
Centre County
Columbia County
Benton Farmers' Market - Chicken (free range), Smoked
meats, Eggs (free range), Farm market with fruits and
vegetables, Within an easy drive to an Interstate road, children
welcome, handicap accessible, Honey from hives on the farm,
Fresh eggs, Cider mill (fresh apple cider made on the premises),
snacks and refreshment stand, picnic area, farm animals
Route 487, Benton, PA 17814. Phone: 570-925-2690. Email:
antanitis@epix.net. Open: Friday and Saturday; 10:00 am to
3:00 pm May 28 am to September 4. Directions: State Route 487 in
Benton, PA 17814. Payment: Cash, WIC Vouchers. Apple Cider
winery onsite. Alpaca products and demonstrations. (ADDED:
August 07, 2010)
Cumberland County
Dauphin County
Franklin County
Fulton County
Huntingdon County
Juniata County
Lebanon County
Mifflin County
Montour County
Northumberland County
Perry County
Snyder County
Union County
York County