Find a Winery or Vineyard here!

Looking for a Winery or Vineyard in Birmingham, Tuscaloosa and central Alabama?  Scroll down this page and you will see wineries and vineyards in Birmingham, Tuscaloosa and central Alabama, sorted by county. Note: this website is going live in October 2016 - what you are seeing now is our prototype; we're adding new wineries every day! ALWAYS call before you go to confirm the info, they don't always report changes to me!

And if you know of any wineries to add, please use this form let me know! There are affiliate links on this page. Read our disclosure policy to learn more.

Updates for December 2024

December The grapes are growing well! It's going to be an excellent year!

Winery Listings

Click one of these areas (or click on the map further down this page)

Bibb County

Blount County

Calhoun County

Clay County

Cleburne County

Cullman County

Etowah County

Fayette County

Greene County

Hale County

Jefferson County

Lamar County

Marion County

Perry County

Pickens County

Randolph County

St. Clair County

Shelby County

  • Morgan Creek, AL Morgan Creek Vineyards - muscadine and fruit wines
    181 Morgan Creek Lane, Harpersville, AL 35078. Phone: (205) 672-2053. Email: Open: Monday to Saturday, 8 am to 6 pm; complimentary tours & tastings Monday through Saturday. Directions: US Hwy 280 E to Harpersville, right at light on Co Hwy 25, go ½ mi, take right on Co Rd 444, go 0.6 miles take left on Dead Hollow Road. Farm ½mile on right. Open: June 15 - August 15, Blueberries.  “We specialize in muscadine and fruit wines—semi-sweet to sweetish wines—and nobody has really done those commercially,” Brammer explains. Moreover, he says he had no interest in competing with legions of chardonnays, cabernets and more traditional wines already crowding the shelves in stores, and wanted to focus on a product that would be truly native to the area. “One of our clichés is, grits don’t come from New York, and chardonnay doesn’t come from Alabama,” he says.

Talledega County

Tuscaloosa County

Walker County

Winston County


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